Front-End Solutions

It is very common nowadays to confuse the role of front-end developer with a web designer, as both are distinct functions. Front-end development gives life to the work of a web designer and is the face of your website. Those pretty fonts and colors and everything that makes you look hefty. The frontend development takes care of every part of interaction with the user on a website. Frontend web development companies use many different languages, frameworks and scripts when creating a custom web design and many of those are outlined below. If you’d like to find out more about frontend development for your website, GR-Tech is happy to help you.

Node JS
Angular JS
ANGULARJS is a SPA (Single Page Application) framework, which allows the web page to work without reload and behave like an application. It also has the ability to change the whole style of the page without having to mess around with a single line of code. So designers can maintain the same modus operandi that was already used.