Custom Web Apps
Transforming your ideas into functional applications delivered at warp speed.

Custom Web Applications
Web Application is a system designed to work in a web browser or in internal networks (Intranet). The functions performed by the web applications can be distributed over a computer network and there is no complex roll out feature, since all it needs is a compatible web browser. These web applications can be created for portals, web mail, e-commerce and other solutions, allowing access from anywhere. With web applications, different users can exercise similar functions and update the data when needed. As for any application, frameworks play an important role, and we can help you choose the framework according to what works best for you

Codeigniter is a PHP based framework offering a number of libraries and scripts for different functions, which makes it quite a versatile option. It offers better consistency and compatibility between applications. This framework has practically every capability your company might require for a web application. Be it a help desk or a history record of customers, we can help you create just about anything with this framework.
This PHP framework was designed for MVC applications, and allows for creation of robust and complex queries, and is heavy on customization. With Laravel development there is no limit to what you can create. From a developers point of view it has many features such as ORM and EDP that allows for a faster development of the app, and it doesn’t require starting from the scratch to build on updates. In short, Laravel does it all. For discussing more possibilities, contact us today.
Cake PHP
CakePHP is one of the most popular choices among frameworks for web applications. Based on the MVC concept, it helps you clearly separate and define the logic and the business layer. This framework is a blessing when it comes to large web applications and offers flexible templating, licensing and caching. So whether it’s a customer form, or a forum where people discuss your services, we can help you create a horde of app possibilities with CakePHP.